The Best DIY Cellulite Cream

Any ladies out there with some junk in the trunk ? If you all about that bass then you know there is baggage. One burden being the small dimples that are indeed cellulite. You may be nervous to wear the summer standouts due to body image issues. However, there’s an easy treatment for cellulite. If you don’t plan to combat the minor imperfections with noninvasive laser treatment, then I suggest a somewhat speedy and homemade treatment. Natural diy cellulite cream is topical and soothing, to say the least. Applying the natural diy cellulite cream gives you a pampered feeling in the comfort of your home. Most important, it works! The diy cellulite cream is a fraction of the cost of store-bought products.

Why DIY Cellulite Cream works?

Grapefruit and Lemon Essential Oils both work to increase circulation, eliminating toxins and help with fluid retention. Grapefruit oil is a strong anti-inflammatory and contains the enzyme bromelain, which contributes to breaking down cellulite.

The witch hazel refines and tightens the skin; this helps deflect the visual effects of cellulite.

The beeswax and coconut oil act as a cream base and quickly absorbs into the skin allowing for maximum benefits of the oils.

How to Make the DIY Cellulite Cream

? ¾ cup Coconut oil
? 2 tbsp. beeswax
? 2 tbsp. Witch Hazel
?10 drops Lemon Essential Oil
? 30 Drops Grapefruit Essential Oil

? In a small bowl mix the witch hazel and essential oils, now stir until well blended.
? Add coconut oil and beeswax in a small pan and place over low heat until completely melted and well blended.
? In a small jar mix coconut oil mixture with essential oils mixture and combine evenly.
? Store in a cool, dry place

You may apply a thin layer in the morning and evening. The natural cellulite cream works best immediately out a warm, steam shower when the pores are open and the cream is well absorbed. 

Audrica: Nickname Abby, Pop-culturess, ATLien (FILA), rookie Foodie, high heels collector, diet backslider, breakfast food aficionado, latte-chugger, ‘90s Nickelodeon & Disney lover, & leisure enthusiast.
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